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Der Weg

On our life's journey, we continually encounter two crucial signposts: our strengths and our weaknesses. It's precisely this inner conflict that we locate in this sculpture by Daniel Bucur.

The artist, with remarkable sensitivity, has used a bandsaw to cut into a piece of plane tree wood on both sides at regular intervals. Warmth and cold also affect the life of the sculpture. The line is set in motion. During the crafting process, the piece split at one point, and Daniel Bucur mended this split with pins.

The intervals are uniform, and the object appears fragile, unpredictable, often wavering. Most importantly, the path emerges, sometimes life takes a turn, and then it goes straight ahead again. Just like in our own lives, when looking back at our life's journey, we don't always view it in the same way. Sometimes, we are more forgiving with our own biography, while at other times, we judge ourselves more harshly and waver.

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Daniel Bucur says of this sculpture: "Connection is not always a touch; sometimes, it's just a good feeling." The artist aims to direct the viewer's eye to the center. It appears as though the carved oak elements are in contact with each other. However, this touch is elusive; intimacy is derived from the turned and intertwined shaping.

The smooth surface of the inner part is contrasted by the rough texture of the outer form, amplifying its effect. The frame is made of wood with a surface cut with a grinder and then stained red. Crafting the inner part with great care required a considerable amount of time. However, time is not a measure for Daniel Bucur. No matter how long it takes, he works until the emotion he desires emerges. He forgets about time; it is subordinate to the result. It's not the idea but the feeling that determines the form.

Daniel Bucur's immense joy over the completion and his pride in the central heart are palpable. He names his sculpture "Connection."

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No Name

Imagination is an important and pronounced ability in artistic creation. An artist shapes, transforms, and, above all, playfully encourages contemplation. They turn an unremarkable everyday object into a work of art, making the mundane interesting. Often, the thought processes are understandable and clear, but sometimes the artist lets their hands work intuitively, resulting in a fantasy construct that leaves the viewer with many questions. However, one thing always runs through artistic endeavors: the creation of something new.

Here we see the sculpture with the self-assured yet defiant title: "no name." Daniel Bucur carefully examined the piece of wood; the muse kissed him, and he let his hands run free. He was in the "flow." This artwork is just as important to him as any other. It is an expression of his manual work. His hands created different surfaces, combining smooth and rough in one piece.

But what does this mean for the viewer? We, too, can set our imagination free. We can free ourselves from our object-oriented thinking, discard our prejudices and preconceived opinions like blinders, and, free from distraction, contemplate the form. We can let the material and surface texture speak to us. And, just like the artist's work, our thoughts can enter the "flow" in this process.

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The fish is an elegantly shaped creature. Its body is streamlined for maximum efficiency, allowing it to glide rapidly and with minimal resistance through the water. All surfaces are rounded and smooth to minimize hydrodynamic resistance. This body shape is not unique to fish but is also characteristic of whales and penguins. Their eyes are typically positioned on the sides of their bodies, providing an extended field of view. Nature has perfectly adapted this creature to its environment.

A tree, on the other hand, has very different qualities to ensure its life and survival. It is tough and enduring, seeking air and light, with its roots firmly anchored in the ground.

Daniel Bucur has symbolized the connection between these two different qualities of life with this object. Through his shaping and the choice of walnut wood as the material, the artist has illustrated two fundamental life forms. Imagine this sculpture gliding just beneath the water's surface...

The element of water is the connection between both forms. Nature has granted both basic forms, fish and wood, the ability to swim.

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