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The fish is an elegantly shaped creature. Its body is streamlined for maximum efficiency, allowing it to glide rapidly and with minimal resistance through the water. All surfaces are rounded and smooth to minimize hydrodynamic resistance. This body shape is not unique to fish but is also characteristic of whales and penguins. Their eyes are typically positioned on the sides of their bodies, providing an extended field of view. Nature has perfectly adapted this creature to its environment.

A tree, on the other hand, has very different qualities to ensure its life and survival. It is tough and enduring, seeking air and light, with its roots firmly anchored in the ground.

Daniel Bucur has symbolized the connection between these two different qualities of life with this object. Through his shaping and the choice of walnut wood as the material, the artist has illustrated two fundamental life forms. Imagine this sculpture gliding just beneath the water's surface...

The element of water is the connection between both forms. Nature has granted both basic forms, fish and wood, the ability to swim.

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No Name

Imagination is an important and pronounced ability in artistic creation. An artist shapes, transforms, and, above all, playfully encourages contemplation. They turn an unremarkable everyday object into a work of art, making the mundane interesting. Often, the thought processes are understandable and clear, but sometimes the artist lets their hands work intuitively, resulting in a fantasy construct that leaves the viewer with many questions. However, one thing always runs through artistic endeavors: the creation of something new.

Here we see the sculpture with the self-assured yet defiant title: "no name." Daniel Bucur carefully examined the piece of wood; the muse kissed him, and he let his hands run free. He was in the "flow." This artwork is just as important to him as any other. It is an expression of his manual work. His hands created different surfaces, combining smooth and rough in one piece.

But what does this mean for the viewer? We, too, can set our imagination free. We can free ourselves from our object-oriented thinking, discard our prejudices and preconceived opinions like blinders, and, free from distraction, contemplate the form. We can let the material and surface texture speak to us. And, just like the artist's work, our thoughts can enter the "flow" in this process.

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Conversation, the connection between two people without physical contact. They speak to each other, but conversation is never possible without facial expressions. It conveys as much as spoken words.

In his sculpture, Daniel Bucur has carved two heads facing each other. The base material was a forked branch of an old oak tree. Along the grains, the cracks reveal the age of the tree. Together with the surface, raw and untreated, showcasing the artist's work, it creates an image of human warmth and closeness. The heads gaze into each other's eyes, very close, with their full attention focused on each other.

Two wooden tongues wind their way out of their mouths, the last remnants of the original massive wooden block. They approach each other and play around the conversation's topic. The structure of the oak wood can still be seen on the heads. The viewer can only imagine how intricate and time-consuming the work on the two tongues that do not touch each other must have been.

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This sculpture depicts two sides of the same person. On one side, the person is very straightforward. They know exactly what they want, communicate directly, and reach their goals. On the other side, they are not always resolute; their desires ebb and flow, they see the shore but do not draw nearer to it. It is not by chance that the sculpture is named "Wave."

The artist created the sculpture from a large block, and it stands life-sized before the viewer. On the side facing the viewer, the waves were intricately carved. On the left, the surface is almost still, while on the right, the waves are rolling. The surface has been tinted red, giving the artwork intense liveliness.

This is one of Daniel Bucur's favorite sculptures; the wave symbolizes the two sides of his creative power: one clear and direct, the other indecisive. It is a very personal testament of the artist, reflecting a contemplative perspective on his life.

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