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An eye that looks attentively into the distance. It perceives all movements, it is concentrated, it observes the entire environment. It turns in all directions and looks down on Stephansplatz.

The challenge for the artist lay in directing the natural structure of the wood into new directions in such a way that the object awakens to new life like a sensory organ. The sculpture projects vertically upward and was made from a solid piece of squared ash wood. The body is rough but regularly carved. From it protrudes a piece that is bent from the vertical to the horizontal axis. This changes the dynamics, the shape now goes into the width and distance. This impression is supported by a completely contrasting surface texture. The rounded part is now carefully polished and treated with shellac. This gives it not only the shape, but also the moist, shiny surface of an eye. One would touch the body, but not such a fragile and intimate sense organ as the eye. The eye is in tension, it does not observe inertly. The eye is alert and filled with curiosity.

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Umarmung IV

This wonderful sculpture, carefully crafted from walnut, Daniel Bucur has given the name "Embrace IV". In the beginning there was a solid piece of wood, which the artist visually divided along a fine, curved line. The beautifully rounded cut edges create the illusion as if the sculpture consisted of two parts. Sometimes it takes the supposed separation to make closeness and connection shine in new splendor. The surface is carefully polished and embedded with shellac. This allows the grain and natural dark brown coloring of the walnut wood and the exciting surfaces to be fully appreciated.

Because of the way it is made, the figure looks like it was cast from one piece. Be embraced, you two pieces! - Here the artist has created a very intimate work and captured a moment of deepest human emotion.

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Daniel Bucur always manages to amaze the viewer. He directs the eye to the solid triangle, which continues in deep incisions. And suddenly you realize that wood cannot simply be bent! There must have been magical forces at work here.

Daniel Bukur's magic lies in making things, even made of a hard, non-bendable material like oak, look soft and fragile. The artist bridged this squaring of the circle with a model made of leather, whose shape he later transferred one-to-one to the hard oak wood. The perfect curves against the grain, the resulting suppleness testifies to perfection and is due to careful and patient handwork. The emergence of the look-through also brings to mind real life. Often you think you have completely grasped a situation in a fraction of a second, but only on closer inspection you realize its complexity and also beauty.

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Consuming passion represents this bust. In Victor Hugo's world-famous novel, Quasimodo, the misshapen bell-ringer of Notre-Dame, falls in love with the beautiful gypsy Esmeralda. Against the backdrop of late medieval Paris, a turbulent story spins between betrayal and passion.

The sculpture consists of a piece of oak in its entirety. The material refers to the protagonist's toughness in facing the world with resistance. Head slightly tilted, as if naturally grown, a thoughtful mind can be glimpsed under the surface of the simple-minded. The rough-hewn structure seems repulsive at first sight, but it shows the emphatic features of one drawn by fate. The irregularity of the grain on the sitter's face, marred with holes and inclusions, underscores the fearsome features of the Hunchback of Notre Dame. Branches sprang from the center, these places now form the eyes. The surge of blood, of love is underlined by the orange stain. The tragedy of the sculpture resembles the turbulent end of the novel: Esmeralda is executed and Quasimodo dies in an unexplained way, in his hands the dead lover.

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